Honored Region

In Freskon this year, the Region of Western Greece is honored, which, through its exhibition participation, will highlight the high nutritional value of local fruits and vegetables, with the aim of promoting them in foreign markets, thus contributing substantially to the development of the primary sector.

The Region of Western Greece has developed a comprehensive program of participation in exhibitions of agro-food interest in Greece and abroad, subsidizing businesses in the sector to develop their extroversion and promote the excellent quality products of the 'Olympic Land'.


Western Greece covers the northwestern part of the Peloponnese and the western part of Central Greece, consisting of fertile areas with the largest water potential in the country protected by international rules for the natural environment.

The suitable soil-climatic conditions of the region ensure the production of excellent agricultural products that stand out both in the domestic and international markets.

In the Region’s participation, representative businesses from the regional units of Aetoloakarnania, Achaia, and Ilia will take part where their representatives, will meet with potential hosted buyers invited from Freskon.